​Each session is unique to the individual student and is highly tailored to each person, their innate skills, and where they are currently in their practice.
Here are some topics I specialize in:
Seasonal folk traditions such as harvest festivals, winter rituals, springtide magic, and midsummer
Doftvatten: Perfumery and scented waters for healing, blessing, and magic
Bota and Återställa: Traditional Healing, healing soul parts, restoring courage, healing traumas
Spell work: Välsignelser (blessings), Trollpåse (charm bags), Besvärjelser (incantation)
Trollformel & Trollbrev: Written spells, prayer, and traditional spoken formula
Lövjeri (leaf-craft) Plant lore and working with plants
Trollstenar: Metal and stone folk magic and practice
Working with one's personal guardian fylgia or "follower"
Spiritual cleansing and protection
Väder och Vind: Weather Magic
Spådom, Tyda, & Tydor: knowing, intuition, signs, and divination
Working with the land and land spirits in folk tradition
Working with Tomte and Rådare, Guardians of place
Working with Animals in folk tradition
Vard & Vålne: Working with the soul
Elemental folk magic​