The Folk Magic of Spinning, Binding, and Weaving
From the Scandinavian and British Traditions
February 20th, 2025 6-8, Milwaukee WI
Taught by Hayley Huston, Trolldom Practitioner and Teacher
About The Class:
In this workshop, participants will explore the folklore and magical techniques behind Scandinavian and British fiber arts. This class will be part lecture and part practice. Students will practice traditional magical techniques using knots, cloth, and thread and have a chance to make magical cordage from plant fibers. We will discuss different kinds of plant and animal fibers that can be incorporated into a magical practice and how to harvest and process these materials. We will also explore the myths, spirits, and goddesses behind these arts. The practice of twisting, knotting, and weaving dates back to the Neolithic period; participating in this work helps to connect us to thousands of generations of ancestors, as this has been a practice amongst our elders for over 50,000 years. If you are interested in fiber arts, spirituality, folk tradition, or witchcraft that is rooted in a long-standing lineage, this would be a great class for you to join.
About your instructor:
Hayley is a folklorist, teacher, and healer with ten years of experience and training. She is a lineage holder in the tradition of Trolldom: Scandinavian folk magic and wisdom. Hayley offers group classes and private apprenticeships in Scandinavian and British folk magic. As a professional practitioner, she provides services such as Återställer (Healing), Välsignelser (Blessings), and Spådom (Divination readings). Her teachers and colleagues have recognized her as particularly gifted in working with plants and herbs. Hayley's trainings include Trolldom, mediumship, spirit work, Northern European plant magic, trancework, seiðr, and more.